Monday, October 18, 2010

Search Vegan / Vegetarian Recipes

Search Vegan / Vegetarian Recipes: "Welcome to PETA's database of delicious, mouthwatering, vegetarian recipes. Here you can search by category using the pull-down menu or by keyword using the search…"

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About Me

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I've dealt with MS 25 years, but have tried to make lemonade out of lemons. Luckily, I married a wonderful man, who also happens to have a chronic disease, Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. I feel that because of what we go through we appreciate life all the more. Luckily he appreciates animals and cats the same way I do. We chose to not have kids, but to take care of stray cats and adopt them as family members. Our current family of 6, are all former strays from NC. I feel very lucky for their company and various antics.